The Danger of Celebrity Witness
Most of the people you see today will die and go to Hell if you are waiting on Tim Tebow to lead them to Jesus. There is a danger of celebrity witness.
Christian concerts and conferences are powerful experiences. Many of these events usually offer a parade of incredible testimonies and polished speakers sharing with what God has done. And while those stories may encourage us, it is dangerous if we think that they replace our witness. In Acts 1:8, Jesus didn't say that the Holy Spirit would empower you to invite your friend to a conference. He said that the Holy Spirit would empower you to be a witness.
Acts 3 ends with a notable miracle in the healing of the lame man at the Temple gate. But don't misread the setting of the story.
And a man lame from birth was being carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple that is called the Beautiful Gate to ask alms of those entering the temple. Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked to receive alms. And Peter directed his gaze at him, as did John, and said, "Look at us."
Acts 3:2-4
Celebrity Witness is the Wrong Lens
If we read this text through the lens of celebrity witness, we see lame man (notable circumstance), Temple/Beautiful Gate (notable place), Peter and John (notable speakers).
But don't miss these markers in the text.
Peter and John went there every day at the hour of prayer (v. 1) much in the same way you go to that cafe every Tuesday. They laid this lame man at the Beautiful Gate DAILY to ask for alms. He was as familiar at that gate as that teacher is to the carpool line. And while you and I know Peter as the preacher at Pentecost and John as The Revelator, let's not forget the reality of their story. Peter is probably 6-8 weeks from cussing a young girl and denying Christ (Matthew 26:74). John, as the youngest Apostle, is most likely only about 17-18 years old. These are not celebrities. The lame man is not looking to get an apostolic autograph; he just needs some change.
Peter and John saying, "Look at us" is the same way that waitress at your table asks, "Can I take your order?" It's not a celebrity encounter. It's just lunch.
Most of us trip up on two fallacies. That God can't use us to bring people to Christ because 1) we don't know enough, and 2) we haven't lived enough (your story is not as amazing as Tim Tebow's).
The truth of the matter is 1) If you realize you are a sinner and that Jesus died for you, you know as much of the gospel as Tim Tebow and 2) Jesus saved you with the same grace as he did Tim Tebow.
The people you see today would probably like to meet Tim Tebow, but they need to hear about Jesus from you. Let Tim be Tim. But don't diminish what Jesus has done to save you. Share the gospel!
Bible Study and Challenge
Read Luke 12:8-12.
- List the commands in the passage. How can you obey them today?
- List the promises in the passage. How can you trust/believe them today?
- List the principles in the passage. How will you apply them today?
Pray that God would give you boldness to share the gospel today. Trust Him. Obey Him. Start the conversation with someone and experience how the Holy Spirit uses you to be a witness.
