The God of Details (An Excerpt from my new book #TheWalk)

Another mistake is to believe that God is interested only in the big things. Whom should I marry? Where should my kids go to school? What should I do with my life? Psalm 37:23 doesn’t say God is interested in your leaps. God is interested in your steps. If you will learn to acknowledge God on your way to taking the plunge, you will find that He would not have walked you to the edge of the cliff in the first place. Even big decisions which require great risk are the culmination of many steps.
I like the choice of the New Living Translation. The NLT says, “The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” The qualification for God’s involvement is not the size of the step, nor is it the size of the person. For the godly, God is involved in every step.