Some Stats on Recovering Christmas

Baptist Press released an interesting article yesterday on how Americans celebrate Christmas.  The article relates well to our topic this month of "Recovering Christmas."  Here is an excerpt (entire article here):

"Overall, a little more than one-third of all households (38 percent) encourage belief in Santa, compared to 42 percent of Christian households. Just 27 percent of agnostics or those without a religious preference, 22 percent of those claiming other religions, and 18 percent of atheists encourage belief in Santa Claus."

"Santa is more popular among households with children under 17 (52 percent) than among households without children (33 percent)."

"Encouraging belief in Jesus as Savior is actually more common among all Americans, at 58 percent, than encouraging belief in Santa. In fact, more than three-quarters agree, 62 percent strongly, with the statement, "I believe Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season," and 59 percent strongly agree that "Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ."

"That's good news, but it is not the whole story," Stetzer said, pointing out that 38 percent encourage belief in Santa Claus yet only 28 percent read or tell the Christmas story from the Bible."


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