Why Al Mohler Signed the Manhattan Declaration

As a follow up to my post earlier this week on the Manhattan Declaration I wanted to share an article posted by Dr. Al Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. Dr. Mohler is one of the Christian faith's foremost voices. The link provided is takes you to the full article, but I want to you to pay particular attention to the following paragraph from Dr. Mohler that expresses my fears and concerns as well.

"There are several reasons, but they all come down to this -- I believe we are facing an inevitable and culture-determining decision on the three issues centrally identified in this statement. I also believe that we will experience a significant loss of Christian churches, denominations, and institutions in this process. There is every good reason to believe that the freedom to conduct Christian ministry according to Christian conviction is being subverted and denied before our eyes. I believe that the sanctity of human life, the integrity of marriage, and religious liberty are very much in danger at this very moment."

Why I Signed iThe Manhattan Declaration/i

If the Christian church is not intentional about communicating its message to our culture, practicing its sacred values, and fighting for religious liberty then I believe future of public worship and Christian ministry is in serious question. I encourage you to pass along the information concerning the Manhattan Project and take the time to read Dr. Mohler's article as well.


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